2025. 02. 12
2025. 02. 11
2021. 11. 17
2021. 09. 10
2021. 09. 09
2022. 09. 28
2022. 09. 19
2022. 04. 19
2025. 02. 08
2025. 02. 10
2025. 01. 08
2024. 10. 11
2024. 09. 27
2025. 02. 06
2024. 12. 09
2024. 11. 29
2024. 11. 28
2024. 08. 30
2024. 07. 03
2024. 05. 28
2022. 03. 11 - plain-me
2021. 12. 18 - HawK Vintage
2021. 10. 01
2025. 01. 23
2024. 12. 27
2024. 12. 24
2021. 07. 08
2021. 05. 13
2023. 03. 23 - Henry
2023. 03. 22 - Henry
2022. 11. 28
2024. 12. 31
2024. 12. 20
2024. 10. 29
2024. 11. 22
2024. 11. 19
2024. 11. 15
2025. 01. 22
2024. 07. 15
2023. 11. 20
2022. 10. 06
2020. 12. 16
2020. 05. 23 - 熊寶貝
2021. 09. 30
2020. 07. 15
2020. 03. 01
2024. 11. 25
2024. 11. 12
2024. 04. 30
2023. 10. 20
2023. 08. 01
2020. 11. 06
2020. 08. 07
2020. 07. 24
而 SO! EYEWEAR 的宗旨,便是將眼鏡的時尚價值與工具層面傳遞給消費者們。
"Eyewear" plays an indispensable role in our daily life.In the past, eyewear was simply invented to help us see better.Nowadays, it has further become a significant fashion accessory.Therefore, the purpose of SO! EYEWEAR is to convey the value of eyewear as a fashion accessory and tool to everyone.
メガネのファッション及びツールとしての価値を消費者に伝えていくのは、 SO! EYEWEAR が目指すことです。
SO! EYEWEAR 搜鏡王眼鏡網站隸屬清正光學有限公司媒體部所有,
SO! EYEWEAR is owned by the media department of CHING CHENG OPTICAL CO., LTD.We are a professional online media platform that gathers brand companies, agents, and eyewear stores together, and that specializes in providing all eyewear & lenses information to the customers.Here, users can understand everything about the products they want and receive shopping or try-on information; On the other hand, brand companies and agents can give a complete introduction on the latest products; Eyewear stores can publicize their advantages and raise their visibility.
清正光学有限会社のメディア部門が所有する SO! EYEWEAR ウェブサイトは、ブランド企業、代理店、店舗を統合し、メガネとレンズに関連するすべての情報を消費者に提供するプロのメディアです。
此外,SO! EYEWEAR 團隊每年數次出訪海外眼鏡展,
In addition, SO! EYEWEAR team goes abroad to visit optical fairs several times a year.We explore the fashion trends and technology, enabling our readers to obtain the firsthand information.SO! EYEWEAR not only introduces the background and history of eyewear brands, but also presents eyewear from various aspects, which are similar to the real life of the users, making them have deeper understanding of eyewear.If you are looking for eyewear information, or even you are an eyewear enthusiast, welcome to subscribe all of our social media. Don't miss any of the latest information on SO! EYEWEAR.
そのほか、ウェブサイト利用者が最新情報を入手できるように、 SO! EYEWEAR チームは年に数回海外メガネ展示会に参加し、グローバルなファッション業界とメガネ業界のニュースを把握しています。
また、 SO! EYEWEAR サイトでは、メガネのブランド背景、歴史などの情報以外にも、日常生活に近い視点でメガネを紹介していますので、皆さんのメガネに対する理解を深められます。
聯絡人: 李先生
電話: (06)216-0158
地址: 700台南市中西區開山路67號6樓
信箱: soeyewear.com@gmail.com